Ocean Conservation News – 06/22/2023

Photo by Andreas L from Pexels: https://www.pexels.com/photo/common-clownfish-3626111/

Unprecedented marine heatwave underlines the urgency to clean up UK rivers and coasts


Thousands of people took to the UK’s seas and rivers recently in a nationwide “paddle-out” protest to demand an end to sewage spilling into the country’s waterways in the area.

Norway cities ‘green transition’ in move toward embracing deep sea mining


Norway has announced its intention to open 281,200 square kilometers (nearly 108,600 square miles) of its nearby ocean to deep-sea mining.

Is harmful algae killing hundreds of Sea Lion?


Rescuers have been inundated with calls about sick and dying sea lions and dolphins along California’s central coast. They believe the cause is a toxin produced by harmful algae.

Turkish experts welcome UN treaty on marine life conservation


Members of the U.N. unanimously adopted the first-ever treaty to protect marine life in the high seas on Monday, with the U.N.’s chief hailing the historic agreement as giving the ocean “a fighting chance.”

Locking carbon dioxide captured from seaweed in biocoal


Seaweeds cultivated in the sea off the coast of Trøndelag, Norway, will be converted into biocoal and used to improve agricultural land.

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