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Home » Ocean Conservation News – 07/03/2024

Ocean Conservation News – 07/03/2024

by Camille Quintos
Shark near Diver under Water

Shark sightings surge: A sign of successful conservation efforts?

Recent weeks have seen a rise in shark encounters, sparking both concern and hope among conservationists. While injuries from sharks are never celebrated, the increase in sightings suggests that worldwide conservation initiatives might be bearing fruit. Read more here.

Actions to strengthen marine turtle conservation agreed at UN meeting at Tanzania

The MOU is one of several specialised agreements under the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS). Read more here.

Hong Kong authorities search for owner of abandoned endangered turtle

Staff at Aquameridian Conservation and Education on Monday night discovered the green sea turtle in a plastic container box with an anonymous letter and some supplies left outside the centre in Quarry Bay. Read more here.

DeSantis signs bill banning intentional balloon releases in Florida

With his signature on Monday, June 24, anyone caught intentionally releasing a balloon beginning July 1 could face a $150 fine, according to the measure. Read more here.

Young seal rescued from plastic waste wrapped around its neck

The seal in the video you see here clearly couldn’t resist the temptation. Luckily, the staff at Ocean Conservation Namibia spend a lot of their time hunting seals that have managed to get stuck in the stuff we carelessly threw away. Read more here.

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