Ocean Conservation News – 07/12/2023

Photo by Diego Sandoval from Pexels: https://www.pexels.com/photo/school-of-fish-swimming-underwater-4766972/

Animal rights group claims Palm Beach isn’t protecting sea turtles


The animal rights organization Bear Warriors United has issued a notice of intent to sue to the town of Palm Beach.

Microfiber plastic pollution found in the Antarctic


Ocean Legacy Foundation (OLF), a Canadian non-profit organization that develops and implements worldwide plastic pollution programs with the goal to end ocean plastic pollution, today released results from their plastic pollution study that took place in Antarctica in partnership with Ocean Geographic from February 12-23, 2023.

Saudi AI project helping to preserve Red Sea marine life


A leading Saudi university has started employing artificial intelligence to help preserve Red Sea fish species and assess their sustainability.

Several shark species are facing extinction. Here’s how you can help


“Sharks are in crisis globally,” says the WWF. Overfishing (hunting for their meat, fins, and other parts before they can reproduce fast enough) is their biggest threat along with unintentionally getting caught in fishing gear and the effects of climate change.

Decoding fish species interactions for climate change insights


A team led by the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) has developed a technique to study how different fish species interact with each other in a coastal region, a breakthrough that helps explain the complex relationships among marine species and how global warming impacts fish populations.

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