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Home » Ocean Conservation News – 07/13/2023

Ocean Conservation News – 07/13/2023

by Camille Quintos
Underwater Photography of a Stingray

Plastic pollution on coral reefs increases with depth and mostly comes from fishing activities, Nature study finds


In the most comprehensive survey of plastic pollution on coral reefs to date, researchers find troubling signs of human impact and promising strategies to ramp up protections.

Preserving Indonesia’s optimism of conserving 30 percent marine areas


The 12-meter-high monitoring tower that stands among the mangrove trees on Ceningan Island, Klungkung District, Bali Province, offers a scenic tourism and conservation view.

Ocean Research: Impact of warmer oceans on fisheries


Rates of Chinook salmon bycatch in the Pacific hake fishery rise during years when ocean temperatures are warmer, a signal that climate change and increased frequency of marine heatwaves could lead to higher bycatch rates, new research indicates.

UN urges reduction of human-caused ocean noise


A new report published by the UN’s Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS) outlines possible solutions to human-caused ocean noise that impacts marine life.

In United Arab Emirates, struggling sea turtles gets a helping hand


The baby sea turtle flapped its flippers as it was lowered into the ocean, only to be pushed back ashore by the strong tide. It tried again, and this time it made it, swimming fast and deep into Persian Gulf waters lapping at a string of beachfront tourist resorts.

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