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Home » Ocean Conservation News – 08/01/2023

Ocean Conservation News – 08/01/2023

by Camille Quintos
Sea Lion Swimming Underwater

With Florida ocean temperature topping to 100, experts warn of damage to marine life

On Monday, a water temperature sensor in Manatee Bay near Everglades National Park recorded a temperature of 101.1 degrees, according to a park spokesperson.

California Salmon Festival will be missing something this year: Salmon

The Yurok Tribe has held its annual Klamath Salmon Festival in Northern California for more than half a century. But this August, salmon won’t be on the menu.

Protecting Sharks: Identifying areas of high risk fishing interactions

A recent study analyzed global shark catch records from tuna Regional Fisheries Management Organizations (tRFMOs) to identify hotspots where sharks are most at risk.

Whale carcass found off Hong Kong with wound, sparks anger over sightseers and lack of protective measures

Carcass taken for examination to Sai Kung’s High Island Reservoir on Monday evening, where fresh wound to fin was spotted.

Deep sea mining meetings conclude after stalemate on key agenda items

Negotiations by member states of the International Seabed Authority (ISA), a U.N.-associated regulator, broke down at a crucial meeting in Kingston, Jamaica, before delegates reached a partial compromise in the final hours.

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