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Home » Ocean Conservation News – 08/15/2023

Ocean Conservation News – 08/15/2023

by Camille Quintos
Close up of Fish

Climate Change is impacting the ocean’s top fish predators

New research published in Science Advances shows climate change is causing widespread habitat loss for some of the ocean’s top fish predators, driving these species northward.

How protecting our oceans will help us fight climate change

Average ocean surface temperatures broke several records in July, with no signs of slowing down.

World Oceans set new temperature record alarming experts

We have upset the carbon cycle by burning too many fossil fuels within a short duration — releasing significant amounts of carbon dioxide that had been stored for millennia into the atmosphere.

For International Youth Day, three youth conservation success stories

This year celebrates youth developing the “green skills” needed to shift the world into one that is environmentally sustainable and climate-friendly.

Marine Conservation shore up efforts to conserve endangered sea turtle

Renewed efforts by sea turtle conservationists in the conservation of the endangered species are paying off as communities have embraced the protection of turtle nesting sites.

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