
Ocean Conservation News – 08/20/2024

Photo by Quang Nguyen Vinh from Pexels: https://www.pexels.com/photo/linckia-laevigata-sea-star-on-coral-reef-in-sunlight-5116360/

Researchers capture stunning photos of Southern Right Whale mother and calf in Tasmanian waters

“Southern right whales can be seen in Tasmania between May and November each year as they migrate north from sub-Antarctic feeding grounds to warmer waters to give birth and mate,” the Marine Conservation Program said. Read more here.

Surf spots are climate hotspots, study finds

Researchers mapped more than 4,800 popular surf spots across 113 countries and found that they store about 88 million tons of carbon — that’s roughly equivalent to the emissions from 77 million gas-powered cars. Read more here.

Devon mussel farm could be reviving shellfish reef

The offshore mussel farm, the UK’s largest, was set up in Lyme Bay off the south Devon coast in 2013. Read more here.

The secret behind the century long lifespan of Greenland sharks has finally been revealed

“The key to the longevity of the Greenland shark lies in the perfect combination of environmental conditions and Physiological adaptationsThese sharks live in the cold waters of the North Atlantic and Arctic Oceans, where temperatures can drop below freezing, and they live their lives in slow motion.’’ Read more here.

Endangered whale shark sighted in Pakistan’s Arabian Sea Churna Island

Whale sharks are the biggest fish in the world and possibly the biggest to have ever existed, according to the International Fund for Animal Welfare. Read more here.

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