
Ocean Conservation News – 09/27/2024

Photo by Ricky Esquivel from Pexels: https://www.pexels.com/photo/body-of-water-under-cloudy-sky-1784712/

Rising to the challenge of sea level rise

The United Nations reports, “Since the start of the 20th century, global-mean sea level has risen faster than over any prior century in at least the last 3,000 years, and the rate of increase is accelerating.” Read more here.

India signs agreement to protect marine biodiversity on high seas

India has officially joined an international deal aimed at protecting marine life in the high seas. Read more here.

Oil pollution in UK waters far worse than reported, says conservation group

The true extent of oil pollution released into UK waters by the fossil fuel industry has been “significantly underestimated” and it is putting marine wildlife at risk, according to a report released today. Read more here.

Sharks are deserting coral reefs. Here’s why that matters

As ocean temperatures have soared in the past year, new research shows that some sharks are abandoning coral reefs — a troubling sign for both the cold-blooded creatures and the delicate ecosystems they help sustain. Read more here.

Taiwan and EU work together on International Coastal Clean Up Day

Taiwan’s Ministry of Environment (MOENV) and the European Economic and Trade Office (EETO) joined forces for a coastal cleanup on Saturday (Sept. 21), coinciding with World Cleanup Day and International Coastal Cleanup Day. Read more here.

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