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Home » Ocean Conservation News – 10/27/2023

Ocean Conservation News – 10/27/2023

by Camille Quintos
A Person Snorkeling in the Ocean

Loggerhead sea turtles nested in record numbers the summer after Hurricane Ian

Despite the ravages to Southwest Florida’s sandy coastlines from Hurricane Ian in late September 2022, the sea turtle nesting season that started just months later ended up setting records for loggerhead turtles on Sanibel and Captiva islands.

Seagrass rewilding: New boat mooring system paves way

A pioneering project has recorded significant seagrass regrowth in Plymouth Sound, whilst continuing to allow safe boat mooring.

Legal revision improves China’s marine environment protection

The revision stresses improving the capacity for marine environmental monitoring and governance with more advanced means and information technologies.

United Nations endorses groundbreaking WA marine conservation project

The WA marine conservation initiative is supported by the UN.

  1. Boaters rescue sea turtle choking on fishing line

“When we hopped in the water to check it out, we realized it was a turtle attached to the line and struggling,” Lucas Rionda, one of the captains, said.

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