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Home » Ocean Conservation News – 11/01/2022

Ocean Conservation News – 11/01/2022

by Camille Quintos
Group of People on Body of Water

Natural nutrient enrichment caused today’s largest ocean “dead zone” 8 million years ago

An international team looked back 12 million years for clues about the formation of natural and human-forced dead zones

How Australia is seeing a ‘big shift’ on plastic waste

A range of single-use plastic, including straws, cutlery and microbeads in shampoo, will be banned in its most populous state, New South Wales (NSW), in a bid to reduce waste.

New Zealand convicts company of illegal trawling n high seas restricted area

In late August, a court in Aotearoa New Zealand convicted a subsidiary of one of the country’s major seafood companies of illegal trawling in a closed area in the Tasman Sea between New Zealand and Australia.

Search for electric-car battery minerals hits bottom of the ocean

Demand for precious minerals used in electric-car battery packs is forcing the mining sector to search the bottom of the ocean.

Wind energy is officially coming to the Gulf of Mexico

The US Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) today announced it has finalized two Wind Energy Areas in the Gulf of Mexico that will have the potential to produce enough clean energy to power nearly 3 million homes.

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