
Ocean Conservation News – 11/07/2022

Photo by Magda Ehlers from Pexels: https://www.pexels.com/photo/seal-on-brown-wooden-floor-3720723/

Russia, China block plans for Antarctic marine protections


Russia and China have again blocked plans supported by the European Union, the United States and 23 other nations to protect three vast stretches of ocean around Antarctica from most fishing.

Demand shifts mining to sea


High demand for metals ranging from copper to cobalt is pushing the mining industry to explore the world’s deepest oceans, a troubling development for scientists who warn that extracting minerals from critical ecosystems that help regulate climate threatens irreparable damage.

This is what would happen if we stop offshore drilling expansion


Halting offshore drilling expansion, along with the phase-down of existing production of fossil fuels as clean energy is adopted, would deliver up to 13% of the annual emission reductions.

Dolphins will grace the Minnesota Zoo again for the first time in a decade


The Brookfield Zoo in Illinois is undergoing renovations, so seven of the institution’s bottlenose dolphins are on vacation here in Minnesota.

Rising sea levels: State provides coastal communities with new planning resources


Climate change is causing sea levels around the world to rise, which is impacting Oregon’s coastlines and coastal communities, according to the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development (ODLC).

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