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Home » Ocean Conservation News – 11/09/2022

Ocean Conservation News – 11/09/2022

by Camille Quintos
Clovelly, NSW, Australia

Russia, China block plans for Antarctic Ocean protections


Russia and China have again blocked plans to protect large areas of ocean waters around Antarctica from fishing.

Innocean appointed to Australian Marine Conservation Society account


The Australian Marine Conservation Society (AMCS) has partnered with Innocean Australia to help galvanize the nation to stop taking our oceans and seas for granted and take action.

More developing countries refinancing debt in green deals to tackle climate change


Debt restructurings tied to nature or climate-friendly outcomes present a multibillion-dollar possibility, according to one of the world’s largest conservation organizations that’s been involved in three such deals.

Seaworld Conservation fund makes 10 emergency grants to help wildlife conservation


Emergency grants provided to wildlife organizations in need across Florida

Charity warns ‘bold action is needed’ after litter found on Scottish beaches increases by 42%


More than eight miles of cleared Scottish beaches and 400 bags of litter later, this year’s Great British Beach Clean has emphasized Scotland’s spiraling litter issues.

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