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Home » Ocean Conservation News – 11/21/2023

Ocean Conservation News – 11/21/2023

by Camille Quintos
Blue Jellyfish in Water

UN plastic treaty talks grapple with re-use, recycle, reduce debate

A third round of United Nations negotiations in pursuit of the world’s first treaty to control plastic pollution has drawn more than 500 proposals from those involved, participants said on the last day of the talks on Sunday.

Nature isn’t just a victim of climate change – it’s a powerful tool to fight it

Against this bleak background, Cop28 must be a beacon of hope. We are putting a strong emphasis on nature-based solutions involving forests, land and oceans.

What Tanzania youth activists want from COP28

The conference will bring together heads of state and government officials, international agencies, corporations, civil society and young people to negotiate and coordinate global climate actions.

Safeguarding future marine biodiversity and ecosystem services under climate change

The EU-funded FutureMARES project brings together more than 250 scientists from 32 partner institutions working across European and Central/Latin American seas to provide innovative, science-based advice on actions to rebuild marine biodiversity for climate change (CC) adaptation and mitigation.

Roaming seabirds need ocean wide protection

Seabirds roam far and wide in the Indian Ocean — so they need ocean-wide protection, new research shows.

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