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Home » Ocean Conservation News – 11/29/2023

Ocean Conservation News – 11/29/2023

by Camille Quintos
A Fish Swimming on a Coral Reef

Sea temperature rise shifts to global marine life


A new study from the University of Southampton sheds light on the impact climate change is having on marine environments in a relatively recent global phenomenon known as ‘tropicalisation’.

Studland Bay: Funding to boost seagrass conservation efforts


The grant for the Studland Bay Marine Partnership will pay for an additional 57 so-called eco-moorings for boats.

100K kilos of trash at a coastal cleanup


The Philippines joined thousands of volunteers in over 150 countries for International Coastal Cleanup Day last September, a global initiative tackling ocean pollution through beach cleanups every third Saturday of the month.

Towards a global strategy for the conservation of deep-sea active hydrothermal vents


Deep-sea active hydrothermal vents are globally diverse, vulnerable, rare, remote, and isolated habitats, yet they face increasing threats from human activities, including deep-sea mining.

The legendary ocean explorer protecting ‘hope spots’ around the world


Sylvia Earle, a pioneer of both deep sea diving and ocean conservation, has made it her mission to protect the ocean’s biodiversity, one spot at a time.

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