China and Russia continue to block protections for Antarctica
An international meeting dedicated to the conservation of Antarctica’s delicate ocean ecosystems has once again ended in deadlock.
An electric pulse could scare sharks away from fishing hooks
A new device could reduce bycatch of blue sharks by 91 percent and pelagic stingrays by 71 percent, research suggests.
Coral Triangle Council of Ministers endorses 10-year roadmap
The Council of Ministers (COM) of the Coral Triangle Initiative (CTI) had endorsed its Regional Plan of Action.
Plastic Pollution: Waste from across the world found on remote British Island
Thousands of pieces of plastic debris from all over the world have washed up on a remote South Atlantic island, according to conservationists.
Non profit helps marine scientists study Southwest Florida’s waters
While scientists work to learn more about Southwest Florida’s beautiful waters, one nonprofit is helping with widespread data collection by engaging citizen scientists.