Ocean Conservation News – 12/06/2023

Photo by ArtHouse Studio from Pexels: https://www.pexels.com/photo/humpback-whale-swimming-in-deep-sea-4338153/

Scientists confirm that Seychelles is frequented by blue whales

In two field seasons they have recorded 23 species. But one discovery looms large: the confirmation that blue whales frequent the same ocean where they were historically hunted. Read more here.

Protecting coastal aquatic ecosystems in British Columbia through important restoration efforts

Canada’s oceans and waterways are home to diverse ecosystems that play an important role in the health of Canadians and the environment. Read more here.

Bezos Earth Fund pledges $100 Million to support Pacific Island’s initiative to create the largest conservation effort ever

At COP28, Pacific Islands State Leaders launched a bold new Unlocking Blue Pacific Prosperity initiative to safeguard and revitalize the Blue Pacific Continent. Read more here.

Scientist forges a new path in marine conservation

Rebecca Gruby, an expert in ocean conservation policy, was appointed an endowed chair at the Rosenstiel School of Marine, Atmospheric, and Earth Science and is set to lead its newest endeavor, the Robert K. Johnson Center for Marine Conservation. Read more here.

UBC experts on UN climate summit and related topics

UBC delegates and other scholars are available to comment on COP28 – the two-week global climate summit that began Thursday in Dubai, United Arab Emirates – and other climate-related topics. Read more here.

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