Ocean Conservation News – 12/12/2023

Photo by Saad Alaiyadhi from Pexels: https://www.pexels.com/photo/scenic-view-of-marine-wildlife-13010782/

Coral reef: How divers are using antibiotics to save sick corals

The illness affects more than 30 species of coral, often killing them within weeks of becoming infected. Read more here.

Blue carbon conservation on agenda at COP28

The Australian Government has reaffirmed its commitment to restore and protect global blue carbon ecosystems, including mangroves, seagrasses and tidal marshes, at COP28 in Dubai. Read more here.

Whale and dolphin conservation releases climate report highlighting impacts on whales and dolphins

“As climate-induced alterations affect both the living and nonliving parts of the ocean ecosystem, the entirety of whales’ and dolphins’ environment is impacted.” Read more here.

First global estimate of marine aquarium to trade to encourage sustainable practices

New research estimates 55 million marine organisms worth $2.15bn are sold in the marine aquarium trade each year, making it as valuable as global fisheries such as tuna. Read more here.

Artificial reefs to promote marine life at 56 places

The state government has identified 56 places on the Karnataka coast to develop artificial reefs to promote marine life. Read more here.

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