
Ocean Conservation News – 12/18/2023

Photo by Nadia Chiesi from Pexels: https://www.pexels.com/photo/close-up-photo-of-clownfish-underwater-6023997/

Tiny organisms reveal coral reef health, researchers says

In a small basement room inside Cox Science Center, a team of students and faculty members spend hours each week sifting through vials of what looks like sand. Read more here.

Rare species found in Long Island Sound as maritime aquarium pulls up abandoned lobster traps

During a recent Lobster Trap Recovery and Assessment Partnership (L-TRAP) trip to retrieve lobster traps that were lost over decades of fishing, The Maritime Aquarium at Norwalk and colleagues from Williams College and Project Oceanology discovered a European nudibranch, Doris pseudoargus, in Long Island Sound. Read more here.

Indonesian stingray marks first marine fish extinction on IUCN Red List

An extremely rare Java Stingaree, known solely from a single specimen collected in 1862 at a fish market in Jakarta, has officially been declared extinct and added to the updated Red List of Threatened Species. Read more here.

Deep-sea mining vessel changes course as Hawaiians protest from shore

The Hidden Gem was scheduled to dock in Honolulu Harbor, but it never arrived as demonstrators gathered nearby. Read more here.

Disturbing finding wash up on New Zealand shoreline

Twenty-three seals were found dead on New Zealand’s Hawke’s Bay beach between Sept. 3 and Sept. 7, per the New Zealand Herald. Read more here.

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