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Home » Ocean Conservation News – 12/20/2023

Ocean Conservation News – 12/20/2023

by Camille Quintos
Man in Fins and Shorts Swimming Towards the Surface

Research looks to flip commercial fishing method to aid species conservation

A fish aggregation device (FAD) is a human-made structure, with some designed to drift (dFAD) in the open ocean and attract fish like tuna, that swim past in schools. Read more here.

Coral atoll islands may outspace sea level rise with local ecological restoration, scientists say

Ecological restoration may save coral atoll islands from the rising seas of climate change, according to an international team of scientists, conservationists, and an indigenous leader. Read more here.

Ocean research cruise trains tomorrow’s marine scientists through hands on fieldwork

The CORE cruise is a unique opportunity for the thirteen USF and SPC students who will call this ship home for five days. Read more here.

Breathing new life into Fight to Save the Seas with AI

“Oceans cover 70% of the surface of the Earth, but we have so little understanding of them. It’s really about getting that data and then, once we have it, we can make more impactful decisions,” suggests Christine Furthaller, head of growth at Montreal startup Whale Seeker. Read more here.

Researchers trace the health of coral reefs through tiny organism

A National Science Foundation grant is helping University of Miami students and faculty members to investigate the health of global coral reefs by looking at the remains of foraminifera, single-celled organisms, that live near them. Read more here.

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