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Home » Tips for getting back to scuba diving after a long break

Tips for getting back to scuba diving after a long break

by macfraser
female scuba diver by a coral garden

Some tips!

Has it been a while since your last scuba diving adventure? Now that we are deep into spring it’s time to start thinking about your upcoming dives. If it has been 6 months or more since your most recent dive, you might be a bit rusty and need a quick refresher on the critical diving techniques required to dive safely.

These are our tips for safely resuming diving after a break to help you in getting ready for your next dive.

Make sure you’re fit to dive again

Your body is new to scuba diving again. If you are like me you are too much over the holidays and never quite got the weight loss and exercise new years resolution to completely stick. Now that the weather has turned warm, doing some light exercise, like regular walks, will slowly help you get back some of your strength and stamina. Building your physical strength and fitness is an excellent approach to ease the transition back to scuba diving but it will also help you lower your air consumption when you dive, extending the length of your dives.

Have your dive gear serviced

Scuba diving is a thrilling and adventurous sport, but it also requires regular maintenance of your equipment to guarantee a secure and comfortable experience. I know for me personally I keep thinking about taking it in for service, but it just sits there in my bag. Also because of the many of the supply chain issues over the last couple of years service times have increased at most local dive shops. Take an hour and drop it off, every day you wait now is just more days before you can dive safely. Many local dive shops will give you a discount or free rental if you find you need your gear before they can complete the service. It’s vital to get your gear serviced before your next dive if you’ve taken a hiatus from diving and are considering starting again.

Take a Refresher Course

A refresher course is a great approach to be prepared for your next dive if you’ve been away from diving for a while and are considering getting back. Taking a refresher course is usually pretty quick, and typically happens at a local pool. It’s a great refresher for the key skills you may have forgotten. It will help you feel more comfortable when you dive as well as serves as a great opportunity to test any of your equipment before you spend the time and money for a dive trip.

Dive Gear Checklist

If you’re just trying to get back into the dive game, you may have forgotten a few things. Or you might have lost a critical piece of equipment. Take a little bit of time, pull out your dive gear. Give it a quick check! Put it on – does it still fit? Do you have everything? Refresh your memory with this related article on the dive gear you need for scuba diving.

Let the dive instructor and guide know about your situation

Make sure your dive guide and the dive shop are aware that you haven’t been diving lately. Your dive guide should make an effort to provide a full pre-dive briefing, with enough reminders on hand signals, air checks etc. Don’t hesitate to ask them any questions or talk about any doubts or concerns that you may have. They are there to help you and make you feel comfortable and safe. Ask away they have great expertise and will surely help you.

Make sure to enjoy the experience

Whatever your reason for your diving hiatus is, it is also important to remember that going back to the water is a fun experience. Getting back to dive again is an incredible experience, have fun and enjoy it!

Updated on: December 05, 202

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